Explanation of the Blogger Interface on BlogSpot for Beginners

The BlogSpot (also known as Blogger)  interface is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to create and manage blog posts with ease. Here's an overview of its main components:

  1. Dashboard When you log in to Blogger, you will land on the dashboard. Here you can:
  • View your blog statistics.
  • Create new posts or pages.
  • Access your existing posts.
  • Customize your blog's layout and settings.
  1. New Post Clicking the "New Post" button will take you to the post editor. The post editor has several sections:


  • Title Field: Enter the title of your blog post here.

Post Editor

  • Compose View: This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor where you can type and format your text as it will appear in the post.
  • HTML View: Allows you to edit the HTML code of your post, useful for adding custom code or embedding media.


  • Formatting Options: Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, font type, size, and color.
  • Alignment Options: Align left, center, right, or justify.
  • Lists: Create bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Quotes: Add blockquotes for emphasis.
  • Links: Insert hyperlinks to other web pages.
  • Images: Upload or insert images.
  • Videos: Embed videos from YouTube or other sources.
  • Special Characters: Insert special characters.
  • Spell Check: Check the spelling in your post.


  • Labels Field: Add labels (tags) to categorize your post. This helps with organization and searchability.

Publish Settings

  • Publish Button: Click this to publish your post immediately.
  • Save Button: Save your post as a draft.
  • Preview Button: Preview how your post will look when published.
  • Close Button: Close the editor without saving changes.

Post Settings

  • Permalink: Customize the URL of your post.
  • Location: Add a location to your post.
  • Search Description: Write a short description for search engines.
  • Options: Set reader comments options, compose settings, and more.
  1. Managing Posts Back on the dashboard, you can manage your posts:
  • All Posts: View all your posts.
  • Drafts: View and edit draft posts.
  • Published: View and edit published posts.
  • Delete Posts: Delete unwanted posts.
  1. Layout and Design
  • Layout: Customize the layout of your blog by adding and arranging gadgets.
  • Theme: Change the overall design and appearance of your blog.
  1. Settings
  • Basic Settings: Set your blog title, description, privacy settings, etc.
  • Posts and Comments: Configure how posts and comments are managed.
  • Email: Set up email notifications and permissions.
  • Language and Formatting: Choose language preferences and date/time format.
  • Other: Import/export your blog, set up redirects, etc.

This interface allows you to easily create, edit, and manage your blog content, ensuring a smooth blogging experience.

Let's dive deeper into each section to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the BlogSpot (Blogger) post interface.

Dashboard The dashboard is your control center. Here are additional details:

  • Blog List: Displays all your blogs if you manage more than one.
  • Reading List: Shows updates from blogs you follow.
  • Help and Feedback: Access help resources or send feedback to Blogger.

New Post Post Editor

  • Compose View: The Compose View is the default editor mode. It allows you to write and format your post using familiar text editor tools. You can easily switch to HTML View if you need more control over the code.
  • HTML View: In HTML View, you can directly edit the HTML code of your post. This is useful for embedding custom widgets, adding scripts, or fine-tuning the formatting.


  • Text Formatting: Beyond the basic bold, italic, and underline, you can also change the font type and size, adjust text color, and highlight text.
  • Alignment: Options to align text left, center, right, or justify it.
  • Lists: Create ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists to organize content.
  • Quotes: Use blockquotes to highlight important text or quotations.
  • Links: Add hyperlinks to text or images. You can also set whether links open in a new tab.
  • Images: Insert images from your computer, from Blogger’s storage, or from URLs. You can resize images, add captions, and set alignment.
  • Videos: Embed videos from YouTube or upload your own videos. You can also set video alignment and size.
  • Special Characters: Insert characters that are not available on your keyboard, such as symbols, mathematical notations, and accented letters.
  • Spell Check: Automatically checks for spelling errors as you type.


  • Labels Field: Organize your posts by adding relevant labels (tags). Labels help readers find related content and improve SEO.

Publish Settings

  • Publish Button: Clicking this will make your post live on your blog.
  • Save Button: Saves your post as a draft. It will not be visible to readers until published.
  • Preview Button: Opens a preview of your post in a new tab, showing how it will look when published.
  • Close Button: Closes the editor. If you have unsaved changes, Blogger will prompt you to save before closing.

Post Settings

  • Permalink: Customize the URL of your post. By default, Blogger generates a URL based on your post title, but you can create a custom permalink for better SEO or readability.
  • Location: Add a geographical location to your post. This can be useful for travel blogs or posts related to specific places.
  • Search Description: Write a short description that will appear in search engine results. This helps improve the SEO of your post.
  • Options:
    • Reader Comments: Choose to allow or disallow comments on the post.
    • Compose Settings: Enable or disable line breaks automatically.
    • Adult Content Warning: Mark the post as containing adult content if applicable.
    • HTML Options: Decide whether to show HTML widgets in the post.

Managing Posts

  • All Posts: Displays all your posts, both published and drafts. You can filter posts by labels, status (published, draft, or scheduled), and search by keywords.
  • Drafts: View and edit posts saved as drafts.
  • Published: View and edit posts that have been published.
  • Delete Posts: Select posts and delete them permanently or move them to the trash.

Layout and Design Layout:

  • Gadgets: Add and arrange gadgets (widgets) like profile, blog archive, labels, pages, followers, and more.
  • Sections: Customize different sections of your blog like the header, sidebar, footer, etc.
  • Drag and Drop: Easily rearrange gadgets by dragging and dropping them within the layout.


  • Theme Designer: Customize your blog’s appearance by changing the background, layout, colors, fonts, etc.
  • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS code for more advanced design customization.
  • Mobile Settings: Choose a theme for your blog’s mobile version or customize it separately.

Settings Basic Settings:

  • Title: Set or change your blog’s title.
  • Description: Add a short description of your blog.
  • Privacy: Control whether your blog is listed on Blogger and visible to search engines.
  • Blog Address: Change your blog’s URL or link it to a custom domain.

Posts and Comments:

  • Posts: Set the number of posts displayed on the main page, post template, and image lightbox.
  • Comments: Configure who can comment, comment moderation, and notification settings.


  • Posting Using Email: Set up an email address to post to your blog via email.
  • Comment Notification Email: Add email addresses to receive comment notifications.
  • Email Posts To: Add email addresses to receive new post notifications.

Language and Formatting:

  • Language: Choose the language for your blog interface.
  • Time Zone: Set the time zone for your blog.
  • Date/Time Format: Customize the display format for dates and times.


  • Import/Export Blog: Import content from another blog or export your blog’s content.
  • Delete Blog: Permanently delete your blog.
  • Redirects: Set up custom redirects for your blog.

This detailed explanation should give you a comprehensive understanding of the BlogSpot (Blogger) post interface and its functionalities. If you have any specific questions or need further details on any part, feel free to ask!

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